Fresh Start Recovery FAQ

  1. What is Fresh Start Recovery’s strategic plan?
  • Answer: At Fresh Start Recovery, our mission is to house, treat, and support individuals affected by addiction. Our strategic plan focuses on three key pillars to achieve this:
    • Organizational and Operational Development: Ensuring scalability, effective staffing, and operational continuity.
    • Program Quality and Stakeholder Engagement: Emphasizing community engagement, advocacy, and program quality improvement.
    • IT Infrastructure and Compliance: Strengthening data management, compliance, and accountability to maintain high standards in our operations.
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery structure its programs?
  • Answer: Fresh Start Recovery offers a range of programs to support individuals on their recovery journey, including:
    • Treatment Programs: A structured 90-day recovery program to support individuals from initial treatment to reintegration.
    • Coming Together Program: A family support program focusing on education, empowerment, and ongoing support.
    • Post-Treatment Housing: Safe and supportive housing for alumni to continue their recovery journey.
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery spend its program funds?
  • Answer: Our financial transparency is a priority. Here’s a breakdown of our program spending:
    • Program Costs: $6,066,000 (2023), $4,867,000 (2022), $4,972,000 (2021)
    • Administration Costs: 14.3% of total spending
    • Fundraising Costs: 3.5% of total spending
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery measure program success?
  • Answer: We measure our success through various outputs and outcomes, including:
    • Clients Served: 2,822 clients have completed our program since 1993.
    • Alumni Engagement: In 2023, 189 clients became alumni.
    • Volunteer Hours: In 2023, clients contributed over 1,200 volunteer hours to the community.
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery track its client demographics?
  • Answer: We keep detailed records of our clients’ demographics to ensure our programs are inclusive and effective:
    • Gender: 85% male, 15% female (2023)
    • Ethnicity: 59% Caucasian, 19% First Nations, 9% Metis, 4% African, 1% Latin American, 3% Asian, 5% Other (2023)
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery set and achieve its program goals?
  • Answer: We set clear, quantified goals for our programs:
    • Program Completion Rate: Our goal is to increase completion rates by 5% in 2024.
    • Coming Together Series Participation: We aim to increase participation by 10% in 2024.
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery ensure the accuracy of its data?
  • Answer: We are committed to precise data reporting. Our outcomes management system collects and analyzes data at multiple intervals to ensure accuracy and continuous improvement.
  1. Has Fresh Start Recovery’s work been reviewed by a third party?
  • Answer: While our reports are reviewed by Alberta Health Services (AHS), we are exploring opportunities for more formal third-party reviews of our programs.
  • Answer: Fresh Start Recovery is regularly reviewed by MHSPA and Accreditation Canada on an ongoing basis.
  • Answer: Fresh Start Recovery’s financials are audited by an outside body annually.
  1. How does Fresh Start Recovery evaluate and improve its programs?
  • Answer: We regularly review program effectiveness and client satisfaction, using data to guide continuous improvement.
  • Answer: Fresh Start Recovery performs an annual program performance review through our Performance Improvement Plan Policy.
  1. What are the long-term outcomes for Fresh Start Recovery’s clients?Answer: We track the long-term success of our clients, focusing on: – Post-Treatment Housing Stability: 95% of clients find stable housing post-treatment. – Goal Achievement: 90% of clients achieve their goals one year post-treatment.
  2. How does Fresh Start Recovery share its successes and challenges?Answer: We believe in transparency and regularly update our community on both positive outcomes and the challenges we face, ensuring a balanced view of our impact.