Join us this year for our 17th annual 12 Stop Ride! See below for details.
Embrace the thrill of Alberta’s Greatest Bike Run – Fresh Start Recovery’s Annual 12-Stop Ride for Recovery!
In our 17th year, we are excited to have Calgary Harley-Davidson returning as our presenting sponsor and Gover Law Firm as our Recovery sponsor again this year.
This family-friendly ride aims to highlight recovery from addiction and the positive effects of recovery on individuals, families, and the community.
Each year, we create a unique event with fun and engaging stops. This is our biggest event of the year, raising awareness and funds to help more individuals and their families recover from addiction.
This year, the ride will be held on Saturday, August 23rd, 2025, with registration beginning at 8:00 a.m. Our scavenger hunt-style ride starts with a hearty breakfast at Fresh Start Recovery Centre (411 – 41 Ave NE, Calgary). After breakfast, over 250 riders and their passengers hit the road for 400 km of some of the best riding in the country. Riders will head out armed with their first clue to steer them to the first of multiple stops on a day of adventure through picturesque rural and urban landscapes. Each stop activity unveils a fresh clue leading riders to their next unique experience. The day will end with dinner, the live draw of our motorcycle raffle and 50/50 winners, and a celebration of community.
Click here or the image to register now!
The ride is an opportunity to join our community while travelling through the stops in support of an essential cause. You can be a part of the success of this event in one or more of the following ways:
- Register to participate in and/or encourage your co-workers, friends, and family to participate in this exciting and inspiring ride. Visit
- Donate: Make a monetary donation or donate a prize item (products or services). Prize donations will be awarded to selected lucky participants or auctioned off. Monetary donations go to supporting Fresh Start’s programs and services. All monetary and prize donations valued at over $20 receive a charitable tax receipt. To make a donation, please visit our website:
- Spread the word: Use social media to tell your friends and family about the ride and encourage them to do the same. Share the 12 Stop Ride for Recovery registration forms and posters at work or in your community.
Pre-registration closes on July 31st! Register by this date to ensure you receive one of our limited edition specially designed 12 Stop Ride for Recovery t-shirts in the size of your choice. You can still register in person on the day of the event.
Riders: $50
Passenger: $25
Friends of Fresh Start (dinner & evening festivities): $25
You will be required to show your Driver’s License, and proof of insurance at check-in on the day of the event. You will also need to sign the liability waiver in person.

If you wish to be part of the day as a volunteer, please contact
To sponsor the event contact
Click here to download the 2025 – 12 Stop Ride Sponsorship Package